Friday, July 23, 2010

Veronica Mars

Thanks to Netfilx through our xbox, I have watched quite a few older TV shows this summer. Veronica Mars was one of those. I decided to try it since I like Kristen Bell and the premise of the show sounded interesting. It is about a high school girl (Bell) that helps her dad in his private investigation business. It is a little hard to believe as it's actually happening in real life and slighty cheesy, but all around I thought it was a really good show. It is kind of a bummer because the end of the third season just leaves you hanging with so many loose ends for the next one that they never got to do. I really enjoyed the cast of the show and since it was produced by the same guy who did party down, Rob Thomas, it has A LOT of the same people! Each season pretty much has one huge case that she is trying to solve throughout it, and there are small little cases every episode. It is a little drama filled and does revolve a lot around relationships (especially third season), so be forewarned if you don't like that kind of thing. I would recommend this show to others, but do know it has its unbelievable moments.

Zeb really said it all. I came in a few episodes into the first season and was completely lost at first. It really isn't a show you can just pick up and watch without viewing the previous seasons. Be forewarned you will have to suspend your disbelief because many aspects of the show are kind of ridiculous. Kristen Bell does a great job despite being a 24-27 year old playing a 16-19 year old. She is very much like Ellen Page in Juno in that she is very quick witted. Plus, I love the theme song. On a side note, one of the reoccurring characters is totally the kid from Kazaam!
Oh, and by the way...


Nailed it!


  1. Dude... Love the degrees to Kevin Bacon...

  2. Don't all movies go somehow to Kevin Bacon. Love the blog.

  3. I'm with the degrees to Kevin Bacon!
