Thursday, July 29, 2010

Roswell Season 1

Andrew: This show was...interesting. It was a complete melodrama. Realistically, it is how some teens treat their own relationships. My problem with the show is the really do have a great concept for an interesting sci-fi show, but instead they focus so much on the high school relationships it takes away from the show overall. It is made for the high-school target audience. Be warned.
P.S. I have watched the first few episodes of the second season and seems far more promising that the previous.

Zeb: The first season of Roswell seemed a little cheesy in the beginning. It was very reminiscent of Dawson's Creek with all of its relationship dramas, but it mellowed out some near the end of the season. The sci-fi in the show it kinda bad, but keep in mind it was made in the late nineties and they didn't have the CGI that they have today. I did enjoy the show overall though and I found the concept quite interesting. It is about a teenage girl who lives in Roswell, New Mexico and finds out that there are a trio of aliens that attend her school. It centers mainly around the five characters (one of them being Katherine Heigl, whose name is Izzy in this show too! Coincidence?) and their relationships as they go through a year in their life. The end of the season was pretty good and hooked my interest for season 2. After watching just the first episode of the second season, I have a feeling the next season will be a much better harmony between drama, comedy, and sci-fi.

1 comment:

  1. I watched Roswell here and there when I was in college. It was definitely a Sci-Fi Dawson's Creek set-up. I thought it got better in the later seasons, but it was never a TV show that I got really hooked on...
