Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Other Guys

I really enjoyed this movie. I was greatly impressed by Mark Wahlberg; I think he out shined Will Ferrel completely! There were some hilarious moments and lines in the movie. The humor in the movie wasn't as ridiculous as Ferrel's latest movies like Stepbrothers. I would definitely see it again!

Now if you've seen it, enjoy these quotes, and if you haven't...well then you should go see the movie!
"I'm a peacock! You have to let me fly!!"
"Let me get this straight. You learned how to dance like that out of sarcasm?"
"If I were a lion and you were a tuna, I’d swim to the middle of the ocean and eat you. Then I’d bang your tuna girlfriend...(and the whole story that follows...)"

I was really looking forward to this movie. It was surprising how funny it really was. Will Ferrell didn't shine like he usually did and Marc Wahlberg completely stole the show. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys a typical Will Ferrell movie, over the top and ridiculous.

1 comment:

  1. David and I really enjoyed this one. We laughed a lot and found it funnier than expected as well! :)
