Saturday, April 14, 2012

We are back.... With Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

After more than a year hiatus on our blog, I have decided to pick it back up. My goal is to review one movie/show a week. To start it off I will review the movie Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close:

My eyes still hurt from watching this! This movie follows a little boy with autism/aspergers, Oscar, on a journey to solve a mystery left behind by his father who was killed in 9/11. Because you experience the movie through the eyes of the little boy, the movie definitely has a different feel. He travels around New York meeting and talking with people while trying to get clues from a key that he found in his dads closet. It was confusing at times, a little slow at times, and heart-wrenching at times. The acting was phenomenal though and I am seriously impressed with the child who played Oscar. I think it is a movie definitely worth seeing once, but be prepared with tissues on hand.

Rating: 7/10

1 comment:

  1. David and I just watched this! David had a hard time connecting to the main character, Oscar. He just kept saying how annoying the kid was, and I kept reminding him that he obviously was on the spectrum. I don't think I would watch this movie again, but it was definitely worth watching once as you said. I didn't realize that you guys had started back up with this! I randomly opened the site and was pleasantly surprised. If you want to give David and I the password we could always help you with reviews. We watch way too much TV and movies...for reels. Hehe "reels"...
