Monday, August 2, 2010

Hot Tub Time Machine

Andrew: I had very low expectations for this movie. I went in expecting it to be terrible despite hearing good reviews from others. It was really pretty good. It wasn't nearly as good as the Hangover to which it is often compared. Rob Corddry and Craig Robinson are very funny. Overall, its worth seeing but be warned it can be pretty raunchy.

Zeb: We watched Hot Tub Time Machine after moving and I have to say I was thoroughly surprised by it. The previews made the movie seem quite corny bordering on lame, but I heard good things about it so we gave it a try. I thought there were some really funny moments in the movie and some great one liners. Since they go back in time to the 80's there are some great songs that I couldn't help but sing along to. The only person that kind of drove me nuts in the movie was actually Chevy Chase (although I don't really know why). I feel like he just might need to be done. He is alright in the show Community, but I feel as though I could still do without him. There were a few moments in the movie that I could have done without, like anything with vomit -that is just too much for me and not funny at all. I thought the movie on the whole wasn't bad, but a lot of people compared it to the hangover. Just to be clear it is no hangover, but it has a few good laughs.

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