Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Invention of Lying

As per Steph's request here is my take on the invention of lying. It was different then I thought it was going to be. I really like Ricky Gervais and his dry sense of humor, and I thought he was pretty good in this movie. I am a HUGE Jennifer Garner fan as well, and again I think she was pretty good. The plot of the movie got a little too religious for my liking; I really enjoyed the beginning of the movie though. I am on the fence about whether I would recommend this movies to others, because I could see how some would find it offensive. I am glad I saw it and enjoyed some of its hilarious moments, but I think once is enough for me.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Psych Season 1

We recently finished the first season of the TV show Psych. I loved it! The show is about a guy, Shawn, with a photographic memory, who has an extreme eye for detail. He pretends to be a psychic for the police department and solves cases for them in ridiculous manners. His partner, Gus, knows that he's not psychic, and helps him solve the cases. The two are a prefect duo and they are hilarious together. I really do love the show so far and cannot wait to finish the other seasons.

Favorite Episodes:
  • Spelling Bee
  • Nine Lives
  • Scary Sherry

Monday, December 20, 2010

Despicable ME

This movie was precious! I absolutely loved it. The littlest girl (the one with the pony tail on top of her head) was so cute (and shes even cuter in real life look at her picture http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3220568/ )! I didn't realize the stellar cast they had though: Steve Carrell, Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Julie Andrews, Will Arnett, Kristin Wiig...seriously?! I knew almost all the voices. They movie was about a super villain who is trying to commit the ultimate evil act and steal the moon, but in order to do so ends up adopting three little girls. The little minions he has are also really cute and I can see why they have created quite a few short films with them. It has some really cool, funky music set to it as well. I really enjoyed this movie and it will be one I own.



This is one of my favorite Christmas movies of all time! It has become a classic. I love the humor in it and Will Ferrel isn't too over the top and ridiculous. It is a cute Christmas story that always gets me into the holiday mood! It's definitely one I can watch over and over again (and I'm sure I will this holiday season)!

Quoteable lines:
  1. Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?
  2. Manager: Why are you smiling like that?  Buddy: I just like to smile; smiling's my favorite!
  4. You did it! Congratulations! World's best cup of coffee! Great job, everybody! It's great to be here.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

It looks like I am going to be posting on my own now, because I still really enjoy doing this!

We just saw the first part of the seventh Harry Potter, and I have to say I was very impressed! I really enjoyed the first few movies, and then they got a little too dark and they changed too much from the books. I definitely think they are back on track with this one. I felt that they were quite true to the book and they were able to keep almost everything since they split it into two almost 3 hour long movies! The acting was good, although they are getting a little old to be playing 16-17 year olds. They left off at a great point in the movie so that the major conflicts from the beginning are resolved, and then just start the next chain of events that follow. I think it leaves you with just the right amount of anticipation for the next one.
