Monday, December 20, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

It looks like I am going to be posting on my own now, because I still really enjoy doing this!

We just saw the first part of the seventh Harry Potter, and I have to say I was very impressed! I really enjoyed the first few movies, and then they got a little too dark and they changed too much from the books. I definitely think they are back on track with this one. I felt that they were quite true to the book and they were able to keep almost everything since they split it into two almost 3 hour long movies! The acting was good, although they are getting a little old to be playing 16-17 year olds. They left off at a great point in the movie so that the major conflicts from the beginning are resolved, and then just start the next chain of events that follow. I think it leaves you with just the right amount of anticipation for the next one.


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