Friday, February 4, 2011


Andrew and I went through this series quite quickly (thanks to a week of snow days) and I was very impressed. When Lost originally aired I was not into it and I thought it was overrated. When I saw it was added to netflix though, I decided I would give it a try. WOW! What a compelling show. I could not have imagined watching it while it was airing and having to wait week to week, or season to season to continue watching.

As I am sure you know, it is about a plane that crashes on a mysterious island. A lot of the show consists of flash backs on the people's lives before the crash, along with what happens to them on the actual island, then as you get later on flash forwards. The characters are so compelling and the show is quite hard to predict. It leaves you with A LOT of questions episode to episode, but by the end they are all pretty much answered. If you were like me and against Lost when it aired, you definitely missed out and should give it a try.


  1. David and I both watched LOST as it came out. It is pretty funny that both us of would give it a lower review than you. We would probably give it a 7/10...maybe an 8. It was hard and frustrating to watch it live. I still think they did not answer enough for me, but that is probably because our friends were constantly asking new questions when we watched it altogether. I definitely think it would be more fun to watch all at once, without waiting week after week, year after year. It is an interesting show! Glad you liked it!

  2. So David and I went to the theater to watch "The King's Speech" tonight and we want you to review it. We thought it was great, and want to hear what you guys think of it! :)
