Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Modern Family Season 1

This is a show I am so glad won an Emmy for this season; they deserved it! The show is a mockumentary and the humor is great. For those that don't watch the show, it is about a dad (Jay) that has a son (Mitchell) and daughter (Claire). Mitchell is gay and has a life partner named Cameron as well as an adopted Japanese daughter, Lilly. Claire is married to Phil and has three kids: Luke, Alex, and Haley. Jay is remarried to a younger hispanic women, Gloria, who has a son Manny. Confused yet? Every episode is just another day in the three families lives and shows how they all interact and get along. The characters are built so well and I don't know if I could even pick a favorite character because they all have hilarious moments. If you don't watch the show, then your crazy! I have the first season if anyone would like to give it a try.

Quotable Moments:
  • Phil: "The snowflake button makes is cold, cold, cold. The set temperature button makes it hold, hold, hold. The little flame button makes it hot, hot, hot....."
  • Claire: "Alex quit making fun of your sister, and Haley don't be such an easy target."
  • Phil: "LOL, laugh out loud. OMG, oh my god. WTF, why the face."
  • Cameron: "Did you hear that woman screaming my name?" Mitchell: "That was Phil. He had a Red Bulll 
  • Jay: "I mean, for me it's a locker room. For him, it's a showroom."
  • Gloria: "There was an old saying in my neighborhood: love is just around the corner. (side note to camera) I come from a neighborhood with a lot of prostitutes."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


      Okay, after my long stay away from the blog I am back. Before you read this review be aware. The show is chalked  full of violence and sex. Its a very accurate portrait of Rome of the time. It shows just about everything. If you are bothered by excess blood or other things, skip this show. Beyond that, I was immensely surprised by how much I enjoyed the plot of the show. Be warned the first two to three episodes are very different from the rest of the show and you will hate the first one most likely. If you can get about half a dozen into the show it gets really good.
       The show follows a man who was betrayed by Rome and becomes a gladiator. I won't give away much because one of the big appeals of the show is they leave you wanting more. It mostly a cast of unknowns, but Andy Whitfield, who plays Spartacus, is honestly one of my favorite actors now. Unfortunately, the new season is beginning, but it is a prequel to the first season. Andy Whitfield was diagnosed with cancer so while he is still fighting won't be back until the third season. I would really recommend that everyone tries this show out.
P.S. This show does not help my self esteem.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Psych Revisited

Sadly Andrew and I have caught up on Psych (yes we impressively watched all 5 seasons over the break). This is now one of my favorite shows. It's right up there with Friends, Sunny, and HIMYM... crazy right?! Sean and Gus are a hilarious crime fighting duo complete with a fake psychic, and they just couldn't be funnier. The Yang episodes are intense and I love that they have carried them on as the season enders for the past three seasons. I am curious how the show will go next season and if Juliette will find out about Sean and how his psychic powers are fake. If you have never watched this show, then shame on you. You are seriously missing out. This show has so many great moments, that I could start the series right over again. I'm sure it comes as no surprise, but I give this show a whopping 10/10

The following clip shows quite a few of their clever catch phrases... It's only missing Gus's creepy "hello"

Psych Trivia:
There is a pineapple somewhere in almost every episode
This show was inspired by the creators own father who taught him how to be extra observant.
Sean says the word  "delicious" at least once in almost every episode

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Get Him to the Greek

I have to say I didn't really want to give this movie a try based on the previews. I thought that it didn't look that funny and I wouldn't enjoy it, but after I watched a short part of it at my sister's house I decided I would give it a try. I was definitely wrong about this one.

It was actually pretty funny and I laughed a lot. I like how they referenced where Russell Brand's character came from (Forgetting Sarah Marshall) by playing his song "Inside of you" and seeing Kristen Bell as Sarah Marshall in a new ridiculous TV show. I LOVE Forgetting Sarah Marshall so I was glad to see those little references, however the downside was that Jonah Hill has a completely different character in that movie.

Putting that aside, the humor was a little raunchy and over the top, but funny none the less. Surprisingly enough I liked P. Diddy in this movie too; he had many laughable moments (who woulda thought?) The scene where Hill's character smokes a "Jeffery" and then ends up getting shot with an adrenaline needle, was hands down the best part of the movie. I would say those of you that enjoy the more raunchy humor, you should definitely give this movie a try.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Twilight Saga (all of them)

I watched both of these movies back to back last week with my sister and brother-in-law. I have to say the are a HUGE improvement over the first movie (which just sucked to be honest: I'd give it a 4.5/10).

New Moon:
Now that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson have their characters somewhat down (and I have gotten past Pattinson not being hot enough to be Edward) I think their love was a little more believable. I don't like how they make you like Jacob in the movies though, when in the books I hate him (Go Team Edward!). I did really like how they portrayed Bella's loss after Edward leaves by just panning around Stewart sitting staring out the window as the words "October" "November" and "December" appear on the screen. It was almost more effective then when you flip those three pages in the book! The end of the movie is really what got me though. If your soul mate had broken your heart and left, would you so easily take them back? In the book she struggles with it for awhile and keeps believing that he will leave, but in the movie he's like "You're alive." And shes like "I love you and everything's fine." What?!? No. Wrong.

This has been the best movie so far. Bella and Edward are even more believable in their roles, and a plus is that Edward is actually hotter in this movie. Now it has been a little longer since I've read this book, but I feel as though they were pretty true to it. I liked Charlie, Bella's dad, in this movie. He had an opportunity to provide a handful of laughs to lighten the movie some. The fight at the end was great, but I am disappointed that the recast Victoria for this movie. The one from the first two movies was much creepier.  I have to say they left me very excited to see the next one, Breaking Dawn. It's going to be released in a two parter like Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was, but the first part isn't released until November.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Easy A

I was excited to see this movie, but missed it while it was in theaters. Emma Stone gave a great performance as expected (I loved her in Zombieland) and Penn Badgly is pretty cute (plus for the ladies :) The movie is about a high school girl, Stone, who helps "loser's" reputations by saying that she slept with them. In the process she learns a great deal about people and herself. I thoroughly enjoyed the humor in this movie, it wasn't slapstick or really crude, it was just downright funny!