Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Get Him to the Greek

I have to say I didn't really want to give this movie a try based on the previews. I thought that it didn't look that funny and I wouldn't enjoy it, but after I watched a short part of it at my sister's house I decided I would give it a try. I was definitely wrong about this one.

It was actually pretty funny and I laughed a lot. I like how they referenced where Russell Brand's character came from (Forgetting Sarah Marshall) by playing his song "Inside of you" and seeing Kristen Bell as Sarah Marshall in a new ridiculous TV show. I LOVE Forgetting Sarah Marshall so I was glad to see those little references, however the downside was that Jonah Hill has a completely different character in that movie.

Putting that aside, the humor was a little raunchy and over the top, but funny none the less. Surprisingly enough I liked P. Diddy in this movie too; he had many laughable moments (who woulda thought?) The scene where Hill's character smokes a "Jeffery" and then ends up getting shot with an adrenaline needle, was hands down the best part of the movie. I would say those of you that enjoy the more raunchy humor, you should definitely give this movie a try.

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