Tuesday, January 18, 2011


      Okay, after my long stay away from the blog I am back. Before you read this review be aware. The show is chalked  full of violence and sex. Its a very accurate portrait of Rome of the time. It shows just about everything. If you are bothered by excess blood or other things, skip this show. Beyond that, I was immensely surprised by how much I enjoyed the plot of the show. Be warned the first two to three episodes are very different from the rest of the show and you will hate the first one most likely. If you can get about half a dozen into the show it gets really good.
       The show follows a man who was betrayed by Rome and becomes a gladiator. I won't give away much because one of the big appeals of the show is they leave you wanting more. It mostly a cast of unknowns, but Andy Whitfield, who plays Spartacus, is honestly one of my favorite actors now. Unfortunately, the new season is beginning, but it is a prequel to the first season. Andy Whitfield was diagnosed with cancer so while he is still fighting won't be back until the third season. I would really recommend that everyone tries this show out.
P.S. This show does not help my self esteem.

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