Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Clash of the Titans

Andrew: I really couldn't be more disappointed in this movie. I really think there were about 5 lines of meaningful dialog. I might have enjoyed this movie when I was 10 and only cared about the action. There were one or two funny references to the original movie, but that may have been the best part of the movie. It really is sad because I was really excited to see this movie. The story just jumps from one location to the next and there really are no transitions. I understand that it is a reference to how most Greek epics were told, but that doesn't mean it's a good way to tell a story. DO NOT SEE THIS! Save yourself the two hours and go see something with some substance to it.

Zeb: Well this was an Andrew pick to watch, but I was curious how it was going to be. I have to say I really was not that impressed. The plot was kind of confusing; there seemed to be no real tie between the events. The CGI and action parts were pretty good, but the story was slow and quite boring. The ending was kind of a let down and seemed anti-climatic. I have no idea how it compares to the original since I have never seen it (I know shocking right:?!?) I would have to say don't waste your time with it, it's not really worth seeing.

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