Monday, August 23, 2010

Scott Pilgrim v.s. The World

Andrew- Scott Pilgrim is a movie based on a comic book with heavy influences from video games. I'm preeeeetty sure I'm their target audience. The movie was extremely quirky in their action and comedy. It was one of the most fun movies I have seen in a long time. The basis is Scott Pilgrim likes a girl and must defeat her ex's if he wants to date her. One funny aspect is two of the ex's (Chris Evans and Brandon Routh) have played major comic book heroes in their own movies. Forewarning: This is not a movie for everyone.

Zeb: I actually loved this movie! I don't think I was necessarily their target audience, but I thought it really was good. Every one of the evil ex's that he has to fight is done in a different way, which I was thankful for. It was a very creative movie (well book I guess, since that's what it's based off of). The entire movie runs like a video game which made it fun and entertaining. I think that it was just a fun flick and I can't wait to see it again!!

Here is a preview for those of you that have no idea what movie we are talking about!

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