Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dinner For Schmucks

Andrew: I was excited for the movie simply because I loved the actors: Paul Rudd, Steve Carrell, ect. I was actually pleasently suprised with the movie. It had a very heartfelt story along with some pretty funny moments. I don't suffer from viewers anxiety; however, some people will really struggle with this movie at times. It does have a good mix of comedy. I felt like there was something for everyone. I was a big fun of Kieran played by one of the leads in Flight of the Concords. The comedy is somewhat slap-stick and is not for everyone. Overall, I would still recommend trying this movie.


Zeb: I was really excited for this movie; it looked really funny based on the previews. I was a little surprised however by the movie. First of all most of the movie is about the events that happen leading up to the actual "dinner for schmucks," and not the dinner itself (misleading much?!). Also if you have any sort of viewers anxiety (like me!) be forewarned that parts of this movie are REALLY tough to watch. It was almost a Meet the Parents flashback of uncomfortable-ness. The movie though did have some really great parts and I was thoroughly surprised that I enjoyed the plot of the movie, considering I didn't really think there would be one. Steve Carrell did a fantastic job and was even funnier than I thought he would be. Paul Rudd let me down a little, but more so just because the character he played didn't really give him good funny moments. I have to say on the whole I enjoyed the movie, but for me I think it was a one time see.

1 comment:

  1. This movie was funny but some parts were so brutal to watch. My viewer's anxiety was definitely on overload.
