Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Invention of Lying

As per Steph's request here is my take on the invention of lying. It was different then I thought it was going to be. I really like Ricky Gervais and his dry sense of humor, and I thought he was pretty good in this movie. I am a HUGE Jennifer Garner fan as well, and again I think she was pretty good. The plot of the movie got a little too religious for my liking; I really enjoyed the beginning of the movie though. I am on the fence about whether I would recommend this movies to others, because I could see how some would find it offensive. I am glad I saw it and enjoyed some of its hilarious moments, but I think once is enough for me.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Psych Season 1

We recently finished the first season of the TV show Psych. I loved it! The show is about a guy, Shawn, with a photographic memory, who has an extreme eye for detail. He pretends to be a psychic for the police department and solves cases for them in ridiculous manners. His partner, Gus, knows that he's not psychic, and helps him solve the cases. The two are a prefect duo and they are hilarious together. I really do love the show so far and cannot wait to finish the other seasons.

Favorite Episodes:
  • Spelling Bee
  • Nine Lives
  • Scary Sherry

Monday, December 20, 2010

Despicable ME

This movie was precious! I absolutely loved it. The littlest girl (the one with the pony tail on top of her head) was so cute (and shes even cuter in real life look at her picture http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3220568/ )! I didn't realize the stellar cast they had though: Steve Carrell, Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Julie Andrews, Will Arnett, Kristin Wiig...seriously?! I knew almost all the voices. They movie was about a super villain who is trying to commit the ultimate evil act and steal the moon, but in order to do so ends up adopting three little girls. The little minions he has are also really cute and I can see why they have created quite a few short films with them. It has some really cool, funky music set to it as well. I really enjoyed this movie and it will be one I own.



This is one of my favorite Christmas movies of all time! It has become a classic. I love the humor in it and Will Ferrel isn't too over the top and ridiculous. It is a cute Christmas story that always gets me into the holiday mood! It's definitely one I can watch over and over again (and I'm sure I will this holiday season)!

Quoteable lines:
  1. Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?
  2. Manager: Why are you smiling like that?  Buddy: I just like to smile; smiling's my favorite!
  4. You did it! Congratulations! World's best cup of coffee! Great job, everybody! It's great to be here.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

It looks like I am going to be posting on my own now, because I still really enjoy doing this!

We just saw the first part of the seventh Harry Potter, and I have to say I was very impressed! I really enjoyed the first few movies, and then they got a little too dark and they changed too much from the books. I definitely think they are back on track with this one. I felt that they were quite true to the book and they were able to keep almost everything since they split it into two almost 3 hour long movies! The acting was good, although they are getting a little old to be playing 16-17 year olds. They left off at a great point in the movie so that the major conflicts from the beginning are resolved, and then just start the next chain of events that follow. I think it leaves you with just the right amount of anticipation for the next one.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia

I've been following this show for awhile now and feel out of touch after my freshman year of college. Back then I thought the show was alright but nothing too special. Now, I love the show. The characters are definatily the standout aspect of the show. The plots are funny, but it's Mac, Charlie, Dennis and Dee that really make the show. I would recommend this show; however, it is not for everyone. The comedy and situations are completely unrealistic and absurd. But, I still love the show.

Thanks to Steph and David we were able to finally watch season 1 and 2. I absolutely love this show! It definitely is a specific type of humor, and I can understand those that don't like it. I didn't at first, but then you get to know the characters, and just embrace that the show is ridiculous and it's wonderful! Charlie is probably my favorite, whatever he is involved in is always ridiculously great. My absolute favorite episode to date is "The Nightman Cometh." Best episode EVER!
10/10 (I can watch it again and again)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Other Guys

I really enjoyed this movie. I was greatly impressed by Mark Wahlberg; I think he out shined Will Ferrel completely! There were some hilarious moments and lines in the movie. The humor in the movie wasn't as ridiculous as Ferrel's latest movies like Stepbrothers. I would definitely see it again!

Now if you've seen it, enjoy these quotes, and if you haven't...well then you should go see the movie!
"I'm a peacock! You have to let me fly!!"
"Let me get this straight. You learned how to dance like that out of sarcasm?"
"If I were a lion and you were a tuna, I’d swim to the middle of the ocean and eat you. Then I’d bang your tuna girlfriend...(and the whole story that follows...)"

I was really looking forward to this movie. It was surprising how funny it really was. Will Ferrell didn't shine like he usually did and Marc Wahlberg completely stole the show. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys a typical Will Ferrell movie, over the top and ridiculous.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Zeb's Thoughts:

So after I looked over what we have posted I have a change in ratings...

The only reason I didn't give it a perfect 10 before was because I was a little disappointed in the last season that aired. I think they got a little off track and it was good, but not great, like the other seasons. However after rewatching all the other seasons, I have to give it a big old 10/10.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Favorite TV Show

It looks like Comedy won for the favorite type of TV show. For whoever voted other, I am curious what we left out! Leave a comment letting us know your favorite.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Date Night

Andrew: I thought this movie seemed decent from the previews. I love the lead actors. I was really surprised at how well they played a married couple. The comedy is really over the top and the plot is completely unrealistic. If you can get past that I would recommend this movie to almost anyone.

Zeb: So I heard from a lot of people that this movie was disappointing and they felt as if the directors didn't really let Steve Carell and Tina Fey shine. I have to say that I disagree. I really enjoyed this movie! I thought that Carell and Fey did an excellent job. The ending was a little corny, but still cute. I think it was a pretty honest movie with how a couple actually ends up being! I would say definitely give it a shot.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Don't forget to check out the poll we have going on the next couple weeks. Share with us your favorite type of TV show --------------------------------------------->

Monday, August 23, 2010

Scott Pilgrim v.s. The World

Andrew- Scott Pilgrim is a movie based on a comic book with heavy influences from video games. I'm preeeeetty sure I'm their target audience. The movie was extremely quirky in their action and comedy. It was one of the most fun movies I have seen in a long time. The basis is Scott Pilgrim likes a girl and must defeat her ex's if he wants to date her. One funny aspect is two of the ex's (Chris Evans and Brandon Routh) have played major comic book heroes in their own movies. Forewarning: This is not a movie for everyone.

Zeb: I actually loved this movie! I don't think I was necessarily their target audience, but I thought it really was good. Every one of the evil ex's that he has to fight is done in a different way, which I was thankful for. It was a very creative movie (well book I guess, since that's what it's based off of). The entire movie runs like a video game which made it fun and entertaining. I think that it was just a fun flick and I can't wait to see it again!!

Here is a preview for those of you that have no idea what movie we are talking about!

Monday, August 16, 2010


Well it seems as though we have a tie with the best "How I Met Your Mother" moment with a whopping four votes total! Slap Bet and Let's go to the Mall tied. Here is Let's go to the Mall, my favorite. Sorry the formatting is a little off with the video! Enjoy!!

"If this is the 90's why does it look like 1986?" Marshall

"The 80's didn't hit Canada until like '93." Robin

Roswell Continued...

Andrew: I didn't really watch the other seasons, so I feel like I shouldn't give an opinion on the matter.

Zeb: So I just finished Roswell seasons 2 and 3, and I am definitely bummed that the show ended. The second season starts off with such promise, but does loose a little focus about halfway through. I think this was due to the fact that they were worried about being canceled and so they tried to fit every story line possible into the second half of the season. The problem with that is, they didn't finish half of them. I really did enjoy the finale of season 2 where there was a twist that I didn't call. This season also has one of my favorite episodes, the one where Max from the future visits Liz and tells her to make him fall out of love with her. I thought it was done well, and it was intriguing/sad/funny all at the same time.
Moving on to season 3...this season aired on the Sci-Fi network and therefor was much more "sci-fi-ey." Yes some of it was still corny since it's still 2003 and they changed networks, but it is light years better than the effects in season 1! I liked season 3 on the whole except I could have done without Izzy's main storyline, it was just too random for me. The finale was really good, and I am now bummed because I have to find a new show to watch.
 If you have any good ones that you think I should try please leave a comment and let me know!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dinner For Schmucks

Andrew: I was excited for the movie simply because I loved the actors: Paul Rudd, Steve Carrell, ect. I was actually pleasently suprised with the movie. It had a very heartfelt story along with some pretty funny moments. I don't suffer from viewers anxiety; however, some people will really struggle with this movie at times. It does have a good mix of comedy. I felt like there was something for everyone. I was a big fun of Kieran played by one of the leads in Flight of the Concords. The comedy is somewhat slap-stick and is not for everyone. Overall, I would still recommend trying this movie.


Zeb: I was really excited for this movie; it looked really funny based on the previews. I was a little surprised however by the movie. First of all most of the movie is about the events that happen leading up to the actual "dinner for schmucks," and not the dinner itself (misleading much?!). Also if you have any sort of viewers anxiety (like me!) be forewarned that parts of this movie are REALLY tough to watch. It was almost a Meet the Parents flashback of uncomfortable-ness. The movie though did have some really great parts and I was thoroughly surprised that I enjoyed the plot of the movie, considering I didn't really think there would be one. Steve Carrell did a fantastic job and was even funnier than I thought he would be. Paul Rudd let me down a little, but more so just because the character he played didn't really give him good funny moments. I have to say on the whole I enjoyed the movie, but for me I think it was a one time see.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

How I Met Your Mother

Andrew:  Recently, Zeb and I have gone trough the entire series of How I Met Your Mother because while moving we didn't have internet or cable for almost a week. We just turned it on while unpacking and such. I was very skeptical going into this show when we started a few years ago. I saw one episode in the middle of season one when it first aired and didn't really like it. Now it may be might be my third or fourth favorite comedy of all time. The plot centers around a father telling his kids how he met their mother and the entire show is one big flashback. The characters are all really funny. Initially, the guys are completely the center of the comedy with support from the women. Later, the women step up and become much funnier particularly Robin. Think of it as a Friends for my generation. To me, the only reason I don't give it a 10/10 is because I reserve that for my favorite show/movie of a given category.

Zeb: I love this show! It's in my top 5 favorite comedy TV shows. It is such a great ensemble cast; it's hard to pick a favorite character since everyone has some wonderful moments. Season 2 is by far my favorite with episodes like Swarley, Slap Bet, and Stuff. I love how they carry on jokes from one season to the next like "Let's Go to the Mall" comes up again and again! The only thing that is getting a little annoying now that the show is about to start its sixth season, is that you still have not met the mom! I think that we need to see her to know who she is, but not necessarily "meet" her, so the show can continue. I am still excited for the season to start!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Clash of the Titans

Andrew: I really couldn't be more disappointed in this movie. I really think there were about 5 lines of meaningful dialog. I might have enjoyed this movie when I was 10 and only cared about the action. There were one or two funny references to the original movie, but that may have been the best part of the movie. It really is sad because I was really excited to see this movie. The story just jumps from one location to the next and there really are no transitions. I understand that it is a reference to how most Greek epics were told, but that doesn't mean it's a good way to tell a story. DO NOT SEE THIS! Save yourself the two hours and go see something with some substance to it.

Zeb: Well this was an Andrew pick to watch, but I was curious how it was going to be. I have to say I really was not that impressed. The plot was kind of confusing; there seemed to be no real tie between the events. The CGI and action parts were pretty good, but the story was slow and quite boring. The ending was kind of a let down and seemed anti-climatic. I have no idea how it compares to the original since I have never seen it (I know shocking right:?!?) I would have to say don't waste your time with it, it's not really worth seeing.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Hot Tub Time Machine

Andrew: I had very low expectations for this movie. I went in expecting it to be terrible despite hearing good reviews from others. It was really pretty good. It wasn't nearly as good as the Hangover to which it is often compared. Rob Corddry and Craig Robinson are very funny. Overall, its worth seeing but be warned it can be pretty raunchy.

Zeb: We watched Hot Tub Time Machine after moving and I have to say I was thoroughly surprised by it. The previews made the movie seem quite corny bordering on lame, but I heard good things about it so we gave it a try. I thought there were some really funny moments in the movie and some great one liners. Since they go back in time to the 80's there are some great songs that I couldn't help but sing along to. The only person that kind of drove me nuts in the movie was actually Chevy Chase (although I don't really know why). I feel like he just might need to be done. He is alright in the show Community, but I feel as though I could still do without him. There were a few moments in the movie that I could have done without, like anything with vomit -that is just too much for me and not funny at all. I thought the movie on the whole wasn't bad, but a lot of people compared it to the hangover. Just to be clear it is no hangover, but it has a few good laughs.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Roswell Season 1

Andrew: This show was...interesting. It was a complete melodrama. Realistically, it is how some teens treat their own relationships. My problem with the show is the really do have a great concept for an interesting sci-fi show, but instead they focus so much on the high school relationships it takes away from the show overall. It is made for the high-school target audience. Be warned.
P.S. I have watched the first few episodes of the second season and seems far more promising that the previous.

Zeb: The first season of Roswell seemed a little cheesy in the beginning. It was very reminiscent of Dawson's Creek with all of its relationship dramas, but it mellowed out some near the end of the season. The sci-fi in the show it kinda bad, but keep in mind it was made in the late nineties and they didn't have the CGI that they have today. I did enjoy the show overall though and I found the concept quite interesting. It is about a teenage girl who lives in Roswell, New Mexico and finds out that there are a trio of aliens that attend her school. It centers mainly around the five characters (one of them being Katherine Heigl, whose name is Izzy in this show too! Coincidence?) and their relationships as they go through a year in their life. The end of the season was pretty good and hooked my interest for season 2. After watching just the first episode of the second season, I have a feeling the next season will be a much better harmony between drama, comedy, and sci-fi.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Hey we wanted to make sure that if y'all ever watch a movie or show that we review, to leave a comment rating it. Then we can average them together and see what everyone thinks of it! Also if there is a movie or show that you see and think we should watch and review it, let us know!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Veronica Mars

Thanks to Netfilx through our xbox, I have watched quite a few older TV shows this summer. Veronica Mars was one of those. I decided to try it since I like Kristen Bell and the premise of the show sounded interesting. It is about a high school girl (Bell) that helps her dad in his private investigation business. It is a little hard to believe as it's actually happening in real life and slighty cheesy, but all around I thought it was a really good show. It is kind of a bummer because the end of the third season just leaves you hanging with so many loose ends for the next one that they never got to do. I really enjoyed the cast of the show and since it was produced by the same guy who did party down, Rob Thomas, it has A LOT of the same people! Each season pretty much has one huge case that she is trying to solve throughout it, and there are small little cases every episode. It is a little drama filled and does revolve a lot around relationships (especially third season), so be forewarned if you don't like that kind of thing. I would recommend this show to others, but do know it has its unbelievable moments.

Zeb really said it all. I came in a few episodes into the first season and was completely lost at first. It really isn't a show you can just pick up and watch without viewing the previous seasons. Be forewarned you will have to suspend your disbelief because many aspects of the show are kind of ridiculous. Kristen Bell does a great job despite being a 24-27 year old playing a 16-19 year old. She is very much like Ellen Page in Juno in that she is very quick witted. Plus, I love the theme song. On a side note, one of the reoccurring characters is totally the kid from Kazaam!
Oh, and by the way...


Nailed it!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


This movie was really good! I was really worried going in that the movie would be confusing, but it really was fairly clear. It really did a great job of combining action elements with thriller ones. Leonardo DiCaprio really is an amazing actor. Everyone else was very solid in the movie. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone and truly believe everyone should see it once.

I was definitely excited to see this movie; the previews were very enticing since they gave very little away. I thought they did a great job with it! It started off a little confusing with the whole idea of dream sharing, but they quickly caught you up and and brought you into their world. I think that Leonardo DiCaprio was great and his supporting cast did fantastic as well. I am a huge Ellen Page fan since Juno, and I was excited that she had such a large part in the movie. I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone who wants to watch an action/drama/suspense movie!